
Who doesn’t like a good charcuterie board? I just came back from France where the are signs for Charcuterie EVERYWHERE! But the real question might still be, what is Charcuterie? You know those fancy platters with assorted cured meats and mild and creamy cheeses? Yeah, those are charcuterie boards.

But before we dive into the fabulous world of charcuterie boards, let’s take a little trip back in time for a history lesson. 🕰️✈️

History of Charcuterie:

So, get ready for some fancy French words! The word “charcuterie” actually comes from the French words for “flesh” (chair) and “cooked” (cuit). Fun fact: Back in 15th century France, “charcuterie” was used to describe these cool shops that sold all kinds of yummy pork products, including drumroll the pig’s internal organs.

Okay okay, don’t freak out! I promise it’s not as gross as it sounds. 😅 In fact, charcuterie has deep roots in ancient Rome, where they used to salt and smoke meats to preserve them. And get this, that practice goes all the way back about 6,000 years! It’s all about this belief that nothing from the animal should go to waste, not even the heart, lungs, kidneys, fat, or brain.

So there you have it: a tasty lesson in charcuterie history. I know, I know, you’re probably starving now. But trust me, it’s totally worth it! So go grab some delicious meats, cheeses, and all the fancy fixings, and let’s dive into the amazing world of charcuterie boards!

What is Charcuterie

Charcuterie: What’s Included?

A typical charcuterie board consists of mainly meats and cheeses. But at many restaurants or house parties, it’s common that these boards include bread, fruits, nuts, condiments such as honey or mustard, pickles, and olives.

What is Charcuterie

Many of the common meats that are considered to be charcuterie include capicola, salami, and prosciutto. Dry-cured chorizo and mortadella are also regularly-used meats in terms of charcuterie.

Cheese is all about preference, like personally, goat cheese – hit or miss for me. It comes down to what pairs better with the meat on your platter. A typical board has a variety of different cheeses. Aged cheddar or aged Gouda are popular choices. So are cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano or gruyere. There should always be contrasting cheeses so each bite can have a different flavor profile to it.

Cured Meats, Cheese, and Wine:

Eating charcuterie typically (though not always) involves drinking some type of alcohol with it, usually wine. A simple reason is that it’s great for many people in one setting, whether it be a party or out at a restaurant. Secondly, many wines go well with it. Yes, that’s a really broad statement, but it’s true.

What is Charcuterie

Are you ready to dive into the delicious world of food and wine pairings? Because let me tell you, it’s a flavor-packed journey that will make your taste buds explode with joy! So, picture this: you’ve got a plate of mouthwatering salty prosciutto in front of you, just waiting to be paired with the perfect wine. 🍾🥓✨ And guess what? Chilled, sparkling wines are chef’s kiss when it comes to complementing those salty meats. Why, you ask? Well, these wines are low in alcohol content, high in acid, and a little sweet to perfectly balance out that saltiness. It’s like a match made in culinary heaven!

Now, let’s talk wine options, because the wine world is your oyster! 🍇🌟 For those lovely prosciutto slices, you can’t go wrong with a refreshing Sauvignon Blanc or a smooth and fruity Pinot Noir. These wines will dance beautifully with the saltiness of the meat and take your taste buds on a joyride they won’t forget! 🎉🍷

But hey, let’s not forget about the historical champions of charcuterie pairings – full-bodied red wines like Merlot or Cabernet Franc. They’ve been a classic choice for ages, and for good reason! Their bold flavors and rich textures perfectly complement the robustness of charcuterie. It’s like a flavor explosion in your mouth, my friend! 🍷💥💃

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So, here’s the thing, my adventurous soul: when it comes to food and wine pairings, the world is your playground! 🌍🍷 Don’t be afraid to get inventive and imaginative because that’s where the real fun begins! Mix and match, try new things, and let your taste buds guide you on this delicious journey. Trust me, the best memories are made when we step outside the box and explore new flavors. Cheers to that, my friend! 🥂✨🌟

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The things I love the most...Wine, traveling, and photography! Join me on my adventures as I travel the world and share my experiences as I travel with my daughter, top places to visit and how to travel on a budget!

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